How To Boost Your E-Commerce Sales Conversions To 100s Of Orders A Day Using "Data-Science" & Web Optimization

You'll see 300-400% increase in sales conversions with a web design backed by Data Science & Human Psychology....

The answer is NOT more traffic, it’s more conversions!

Brands We Have Boosted:

Dear entrepreneur,

In the next 5 minutes you will discover the real reason why some e-commerce stores take off like rocket ships…

and why some stay stagnant and die out…

If you read every word on this page, you’ll be SEVERAL steps closer to transforming your store into a profit generating machine…

You’ll not only get swamped with several hundred orders a day… but you’ll RETAIN loyal customers that will buy from you over & over again…

The strategies & secrets exposed on this page can take ANY store from “converting poorly” to absolutely “UNSTOPPABLE GROWTH”…

You can transform your store fast… but it will require your focus & attention.

So, having said that, let me make a few things very clear:

  • You MUST be selling high quality products…

  • You MUST have high quality customer service…

  • You MUST have products that are in demand & sellable… and more importantly…

  • You MUST have consistent revenue coming in right now…

What I am going to reveal to you, is the magic of “Psychology based Design” that is backed by behavioral science— which if used properly, will instantly BOOST your store conversions… overnight!

Here’s just how POWERFUL this “science-backed” Conversion system is:

  • You‘ll witness intense jumps in conversion rates from “add to cart” TO “purchase” (imagine doubling or even tripling your conversions), as soon as you deploy these design tweaks...

  • You’ll see drastically lower bounce rates (more interested buyers spending time on your site) almost immediately upon upgrading your design

  • You’ll suddenly find “richer & wealthier” buyers spending money on your site (people with no budget constraints), and you’ll be shocked at how consistently your site converts so well…

  • You’ll see an explosive surge in sign up rates & your email list will overflow with leads (that you can consistently send emails to & generate more cash)… This will mean more revenue, more customers, more profits and more growth!

    You’ll experience all of this NOT by throwing more traffic at your store…

    Instead, by TURBO-CHARGING your existing conversion rates and giving it a BOOST…

High Fidelity Designs & Implementation...

However, you must already have proven & consistent revenue…

You see, these scientifically proven designs are NOT meant to take you from 0% to 1%…

Instead, they are meant to take you from 1% to 10%…

We BOOST your already converting website with much HIGHER conversion rates and much larger profit statements… but you have to have proven your product first.

So, this letter is for you if you have consistent revenue, but:

  • You’re still bleeding money on Ads because your traffic isn’t converting into sales as much as you’d like…

  • You’re seeing a big drop-off between Add to Cart & Purchase (and it’s really frustrating you)…

  • You KNOW your products are great (maybe even better than your competitors), but for some reason you’re not selling as much as you should…

  • You’ve worked with a lot of agencies but you can’t seem to figure out the problem…

  • You’ve bought a few e-commerce courses from the “Gurus” but you still haven’t found any solution to your conversion problems…

  • You KNOW that if your conversion rates went up 3-4 times then you’d be well positioned to scale…

  • You can’t scale right now because if you tried to you would lose a significant amount of money, and the root cause of that is poor conversion rates on your website…

    The list of problems rooted in “poor conversions” is endless…

    And I know that because that is the EXACT problem we solve at my company — ThrillX Design… and that’s what I want to talk to you about today.

How To Design An Ecommerce Store That BOOSTS Conversions… RAMPS Sales… and SCIENTIFICALLY Converts Visitors Into Paid Customers….

How To Design An Ecommerce Store That BOOSTS Conversions… RAMPS Sales… and SCIENTIFICALLY Converts Visitors Into Paid Customers….

So firstly, if you have an average (or below average) conversion rate on your site (1%-3%), there is just no point spending 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars on Ads…

Investing in an unoptimized website is like pouring water into a leaky bucket…

The worst part is when you’re not even aware that you’re leaving a TON of money on the table because of an unoptimized website…

But if you’re reading this far, you probably KNOW that your store isn’t converting like it should… You know that throwing more traffic at it is not the solution…

And you KNOW, that if you could somehow double (or even triple conversion rates) on your store, then you’d not just make more money… but you’d also be well positioned for scale!


Example 1

A store gets 10,000 visitors per month

AOV (average order value): $10

Let’s say conversion rate is


That would result in

100 sales

At an AOV of $10 that would be


Now, if this e-commerce store implements some “design tweaks” backed by behavioral science… and say, it deploys some “psychology based triggers”… this same website, with the SAME product, could double it’s conversion rate.

Here what happens then:

Example 2

10,000 visitors per month

AOV (average order value): $10

Let’s say conversion rate is


That would result in

200 sales

At an AOV of $10 that would be


Instead of $1,000 they’ve made $2,000…

NOT by throwing more traffic…

NOT by adding more products…

…But simply by deploying

“data-backed scientific design” elements & triggers…

Now, If this same e-commerce store increased it’s conversion rate to 3%..

… with the same traffic they would do $3,000 in sales.

And let me tell you this…

1% to 3% is an average (actually, below average) conversion rate in this day & age…

When your store is created with “Data-Backed” Design elements backed by behavioral science — your conversion rates shoot up to the 5% to 7%+ range…

Here’s how we design “conversion-focused” websites that BOOST sales numbers…

Deploying our “Conversion Catalyst” Tools:

First we deploy our powerful suite of advanced analytics tools that will set the foundations for scale… These are our conversion catalyst tools.

We have our own range of advanced heat maps, scroll maps and user action-based video recordings that help us do a dive deep into the minds of your customers to uncover the secrets that drive their purchasing decisions.

These tools will provide us with the fundamental information needed to make data-backed decisions that will skyrocket your sales.

That combined with advanced segmentation in Google Analytics we will have the ability to see ACCURATELY where your visitors are clicking, scrolling, and spending their time on your website.

We’ll give you a visual representation of the hottest spots on your site, and position your products for maximum impact!




Increase in Conversion Rates

Then we will analyze various factors such as demographics, traffic sources, and device types to uncover EXACTLY what resonates with their desires and motivations.

This is the backbone of “data-driven success” that allows us to make precise adjustments to your website that will BOOST your conversion rates…

Dissecting The Anatomy of High-Converting Sales:

There are some “core principles & time-tested systems” in order to drive customer purchase behavior…

From the data we acquire in Step 1, we dissect each and every element of WHAT drives your customer to BUY…

And based on that we:

  • Create emotionally compelling copy, main messaging & punchy descriptions…

  • Get the BEST placements for pictures, videos, demos etc…

  • Understand EXACTLY where & how to place testimonials & reviews…


  • Determine the quantity of content required to make the page convert FAST…


  • How & where to add upsells & down sells…

    There is only ONE goal here… to PUSH conversions. That’s it.

We dissect everything that will:

  • Blow up your AOV…

  • Make people buy faster…

  • Make people buy MORE from you… and more importantly…

  • Turn your buyers into REPEAT customers…

    This is the most PROFITABLE aspect of our behavioral science based conversion system.

Example of website with several other usability issues caused user frustration and friction...

Unleashing our Revenue Optimization Protocol:

Next, we unleash a plethora of systems to MAXIMIZE your revenue...

Here we fine-tune and optimize your website to generate explosive sales

Here's how we do it:

  • Well Designed Call-to-Action Buttons:

    We create irresistible buttons placed strategically, and craft call-to-actions that will compel your visitors to take immediate action.

    These time-tested CTAs have produced millions in revenue for brands… this ALONE can increase your conversions by 50%

  • Aesthetic Fonts for Clarity and Brand Identity:

    We use “behavioral science + human psychology triggers” to create a visually stunning experience that captures attention and builds trust.

    We also select fonts that are KNOWN to capture conversions faster…

  • Captivating Color Themes:

    Our color experts set the perfect tone for your store, increasing brand trust and enhancing the user interface.

    With carefully chosen colors that evoke emotions and create a seamless experience, your conversions will soar.

  • Compelling User Experience:

    We will use strategic triggers to ensure every step leads to revenue growth…

    This involved strategic product placements, effective sales funnel design..

    And MOST importantly…

    Blazing fast page load times!

Imagine your store instantly being powered up with NEW AGE TECH + DATA SCIENCE resulting in a significant boost in sales & revenue…

Bullet-Proof Testing For Aggressive Scale:

Next, we deploy the power of our rigorous testing strategies as we get you ready for SCALE…

We deploy intense “stress-tests” to make sure you website converts under the most difficult circumstances…

Remember, it’s not about more traffic… it’s about HIGHER conversions…

Our bullet-proof testing methods make prove that your site converts amidst the harshest storms!

Here’s how:

A/B Testing - Ignite Conversion Rates:

We create multiple versions of your website or specific elements to compare their performance. Through this process, we uncover the winning variations that maximizes revenue...

Each experiment reveals the secrets of powerful design elements, captivating copy, and irresistible calls-to-action that will set your business on fire…

Multivariate Testing - Unleash a Perfect Storm of Growth:

Combining different design elements, we unleash a powerful symphony of optimization that explodes your conversion rates and revenue growth to new heights.

By testing multiple variations simultaneously, we identify the winning combination that maximizes customer engagement and sales.

By deploying these rigorous testing strategies, we ensure that your website converts under the most difficult circumstances, maximizing customer engagement and driving exponential revenue growth.


Wild Man Drinking Company Improves Conversions by 194%

  • This is one of our most detailed and conversion-focused case studies.

    We worked with Wild Man Drinking on an 8 month long CRO engagement (still working with them today) to help them increase their conversion rate.

    The problem was that they were getting all this traffic to their website, with roughly 150,000 to 200,000 visitors to their website every single month.

    However, they were only converting at around 1.5%.

  • We helped them derive more value out of their marketing dollars and scale their marketing efforts more confidently by working on a CRO engagement with them.

    Our process involved both qualitative and quantitative research methods, leveraging tools such as heatmaps, user recordings, and surveys to gain a better understanding of how users were interacting with the website.

    This allowed us to identify areas for improvement, conversion blockers, and make data-driven decisions.

    Throughout several hours of strategy work and research, we were able to implement a number of changes to the website, leading to a substantial increase in all major KPIs.      



increase in overall conversion rates  


in incremental projected revenue generated


increase in the average order value


increase in Revenue Per User

Fiddler’s Green CBD - 158% BOOST in overall orders

  • Fiddler’s Green is a Veteran owned farming venture in Illinois that provides pure and premium CBD products for reduced pain, better sleep, and less stress and anxiety.

  • Fiddler’s Green CBD approached ThrillX with a website in need of a brand and design refresh. They had touching stories of customers who were able to start living their life to the fullest again with its CBD products.

    But their website wasn’t conveying this powerful message. Their website was converting at very low and average numbers and it was their biggest bottleneck in actually investing more into their digital marketing efforts.



boost in store orders (67% increase in just 1 month alone)


increase in pages per session


decrease in the bounce rate

Optimal Sports Management increases conversion rate by 115%

  • Optimal Sports is an L.A based football sports marketing firm working with some of the world’s best athletes and players. As their athletes started landing huge brand deals and endorsements, Optimal needed an e-commerce website to start selling merchandise.

  • They required a custom membership portal where users can get access to exclusive perks and prizes such as monthly raffle entries, private Snapchat stories, and more.



increase in overall conversion rates (or you can say 115% increase in apparel sales)


32% increase in average time on page


28% decrease in bounce rate

What Our Client's Are Saying


Aaron Kozinets, Founder at Influence Hunter

We have been able to pursue our long-term vision of getting more inbound sales via SEO and Facebook Ads which we were never confident in doing with our previous website.

Our new website is already converting at record high numbers, and we’ve managed to sign on some large clients in just the span of a few months.


Gerardo Hernandez, 
CMO at Optimal Sports

Such a wonderful team to work with. Every step of the process was laid out so clearly and executed to the letter.

Our custom needs were handled without any headaches.

Can’t recommend enough.


Nick Widmann, 
Founder at Wild Man Drinking

What sets them apart from other agencies I’ve worked with is their genuine investment in our business’s success. I never feel like we’re just another client or number.

I view our partnership with ThrillX as an extension of our team. We strategize and collaborate together which has really made all the difference.


Bryan Knoblauch, 
CEO at KnobNLock

I’m most impressed with ThrillX’s communication skills.

ThrillX is really good at explaining complex concepts to users who aren’t involved in web development.

Their knowledge on SEO and all things digital marketing stands out.


Hussam Hassan, CTO at

In my experience, it’s rare to find an agency like ThrillX that has that

effective combination of a strong focus on business KPIs and results while creating beautiful and engaging designs.


Milan Singh, Influencer @milansinghhh

ThrillX was an amazing agency to work with.

I loved the initiative they took, their design skills, and everything about their services.

It was a smooth process and I will be reaching out to them again for future projects. Highly recommend them!


Zach Ranen, Founder & CEO at RAIZE

We are thrilled with what ThrillX delivered to us at RAIZE and

got plenty of unprompted comments about our website looking great after we launched it.

It’s clear that they put their full effort into their job and want a great end result for their clients.


Allisa Galante, COO at Influence Hunter

Arsh and ThrillX have been hugely valuable in helping our agency develop our website and with various design projects for our clients. The quality of work is excellent, and

projects are always completed in a timely and professional manner.


Siera Dawn

The folks at ThrillX were simply outstanding. They took the time to truly understand our vision and transformed it into a website that perfectly aligns with our needs, all while being mindful of our budget and timeline. When we first contacted them, they did an initial free audit of our website and walked through everything from our layout, messaging, and SEO. From there, we had them redesign and build out our website. Their personable approach and genuine dedication are refreshing. Highly recommend!


Edina Vontobel, Co-Founder & CMO, The Lion Group

“The best thing ThrillX did for us was translate our vision into a beautiful website.”


Thanks to their website, the client achieved a new web traffic record of 200 unique visitors within seven days. ThrillX delivered on time and on budget, guiding the client through the project efficiently due to their excellent communication. Overall, they worked hard to achieve client satisfaction.


Erik Paulson, CEO, Vendisys AI | Performance Based Lead Gen

“We’ve been most impressed by ThrillX’s audits — they’ve been eye-opening.”


Thanks to their website, the client achieved a new web traffic record of 200 unique visitors within seven days. ThrillX delivered on time and on budget, guiding the client through the project efficiently due to their excellent communication. Overall, they worked hard to achieve client satisfaction.


Anonymous, Founder & Creator, Creative & Media Agency

"Working with the team was a seamless and enjoyable experience."


The website design created by ThrillX was accurate and contained all the essential features. The team was proactive and responsive to requests. They were committed to fulfilling the project's requirements and presenting creative solutions..


Bryan Knoblauch, CEO, Knob and Lock

“They’ve done a fantastic job at communicating a novel idea.”


ThrillX’s customer service is excellent, and their work meets the client’s expectations. ThrillX is knowledgeable and good at explaining complex concepts. ThrillX is transparent and approachable. They meet deadlines and are responsive through Zoom, Google Meet, emails, and phone calls.


Aaron Kozinets, Founder, Influence Hunter

"I was blown away by their creativity as well as attention to detail."


Thanks to the contributions of the ThrillX team, the client saw a 385% increase in conversion rate, a 255% increase in monthly traffic, and a 94% increase in average session duration. The client described the entire process as seamless.


Jordan Ohara, Founder, Windansea Coffee

"ThrillX went above and beyond to make me happy with the deliverable."


The client was pleased with their new site. Thrillx handled the entire project seamlessly — they met all deadlines and held regular virtual meetings to ensure both parties were always on the same page. The team was also highly organized, cost-efficient, and hardworking..

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